Run your Rails gem CI on rails main branch

attr_json is basically an ActiveRecord extension. It works with multiple versions of Rails, so definitely runs CI on each version it supports.

But a while ago on attr_json, i set up CI to run on Rails main unreleased branch. I already was using appraisal to test under multiple Rails versions.

(which I recommend; sure it seems easy enough to do this ‘manually’ with conditionals in your Gemspec or separate Gemfiles and BUNDLE_GEMFILE — but as soon as you start needing things like different extra dependencies (version of rspec-rails anyone?) for different Rails versions… stop reinventing the wheel, appraisal just works).

So I added one more appraisal block for rails-edge, pretty straightforward. (This example also uses combustion which I don’t necessarily recommend, I think recent Rails dummy app generated by rails plugin new is fine, unlike Rails back in 5.x or whatever).

The “edge rails” CI isn’t required to pass for PR’s to be merged. I put it in it’s own separate Github Actions workflow, in part so I can give it it’s own badge on the README. (The way things are currently set up, I think you don’t even get “edge rails CI” feedback on the PR — it would be ideal to get it as feedback, but make it clear it’s in its own category and failures aren’t a blocker).

I intend this to tell the person looking at the README considering using the gem, and evaluating it’s health and making guesses about its maintenance level and effective cost of ownership: Hey, this maintainer is continually testing on unreleased Rails Edge. That’s a pretty good sign! Especially that it’s green, means it’s working on unreleased rails edge. And when the next Rails release happens, we already know it’s in a state to work on it, I won’t have to delay my Rails upgrade for this dependency.

And if a change happens on Rails edge main branch that breaks my build — I find out when it happens. If you don’t look at whether your code passes the build on (eg) Rails 7.2 until it’s released, and you find a bunch of failures — it turns out that was basically deferred maintenance waiting for you.

I find out about breakages when they happen. I fix them when I have time, but seeing that red build breakage on “Future Rails Versions” is a big motivator to get it green. (I might have called that “edge Rails” in retrospect, I think that’s a generally understood term?). And when Rails 7.2 really is released — I just need to change my gemspec to allow Rails 7.2, and release attr_json, I don’t have deferred maintenance on compat with latest Rails release piling up for me, and I can release an attr_json supporting the new Rails release immediately, and not be a blocker for my users upgrading to latest Rails release on their schedule.

This has worked out very well for me, and I would really encourage all maintainers of Rails plugins/engines to run CI on Rails edge.

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