attr_json 2.0 release: ActiveRecord attributes backed by JSON column

attr_json is a gem to provide attributes in ActiveRecord that are serialized to a JSON column, usually postgres jsonb, multiple attributes in a json hash. In a way that can be treated as much as possible like any other “ordinary” (database column) ActiveRecord.

It supports arrays and nested models as hashes, and the embedded nested models can also be treated much as an ordinary “associated” record — for instance CI build tests with cocoon , and I’ve had a report that it works well with stimulus nested forms, but I don’t currently know how to use those. (PR welcome for a test in build?)

An example:

# An embedded model, if desired
class LangAndValue
  include AttrJson::Model

  attr_json :lang, :string, default: "en"
  attr_json :value, :string

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
   include AttrJson::Record

   # use any ActiveModel::Type types: string, integer, decimal (BigDecimal),
   # float, datetime, boolean.
   attr_json :my_int_array, :integer, array: true
   attr_json :my_datetime, :datetime

   attr_json :embedded_lang_and_val, LangAndValue.to_type

model = MyModel.create!(
  my_int_array: ["101", 2], # it'll cast like ActiveRecord
  embedded_lang_and_val: "a sentence in default language english")

By default it will serialize attr_json attributes to a json_attributes column (this can also be specified differently), and the above would be serialized like so:

  "my_int_array": [101, 2],
  "my_datetime": "2001-02-03T04:05:06Z",
  "embedded_lang_and_val": {
    "lang": "en",
    "value": "a sentence in default language english"

Oh, attr_json also supports some built-in construction of postgres jsonb contains (“@>“) queries, with proper rails type-casting, through embedded models with keypaths:

  "embedded_lang_and_val.lang" => "de"
) # an ActiveRelation, you can chain on whatever as usual

And it supports in-place mutations of the nested models, which I believe is important for them to work “naturally” as ruby objects.

my_model.embedded_lang_and_val.lang = "de"
# => will correctly return changes in terms of models themselves!

There are some other gems in this “space” of ActiveRecord attribute json serialization, with different fits for different use cases, created either before or after I created attr_json — but none provide quite this combination of features — or, I think, have architectures that make this combination feasible (I could be wrong!). Some to compare are jsonb_accessor, store_attribute, and store_model.

One use case where I think attr_json really excels is when using Rails Single-Table Inheritance, where different sub-classes may have different attributes.

And especially for a “content management system” type of use case, where on top of that single-table inheritance polymorphism, you can have complex hierarchical data structures, in an inheritance hierarchichy, where you don’t actually want or need the complexity of an actual normalized rdbms schema for the data that has both some polymorphism and some hetereogeneity. We get some aspects of a schema-less json-document-store, but embedded in postgres, without giving up rdbms features or ordinary ActiveRecord affordances.

Slow cadence, stability and maintainability

While the 2.0 release includes a few backwards incompats, it really should be an easy upgrade for most if not everyone. And it comes three and a half years after the 1.0 release. That’s a pretty good run.

Generally, I try to really prioritize backwards compatibility and maintainability, doing my best to avoid anything that could provide backwards incompat between major releases, and trying to keep major releases infrequent. I think that’s done well here.

I know that management of rails “plugin” dependencies can end up a nightmare, and I feel good about avoiding this with attr_json.

attr_json was actually originally developed for Rails 4.2 (!!), and has kept working all the way to Rails 7. The last attr_json 1.x release actually supported (in same codebase) Rails 5.0 through Rails 7.0 (!), and attr_json 2.0 supports 6.0 through 7.0. (also grateful to the quality and stability of the rails attributes API originally created by sgrif).

I think this succesfully makes maintenance easier for downstream users of attr_json, while also demonstrating success at prioritizing maintainability of attr_json itself — it hasn’t needed a whole lot of work on my end to keep working across Rails releases. Occasionally changes to the test harness are needed when a new Rails version comes out, but I actually can’t think of any changes needed to implementation itself for new Rails versions, although there may have been a few.

Because, yeah, it is true that this is still basically a one-maintainer project. But I’m pleased it has successfully gotten some traction from other users — 390 github “stars” is respectable if not huge, with occasional Issues and PR’s from third parties. I think this is a testament to it’s stability and reliability, rather than to any (almost non-existent) marketing I’ve done.

“Slow code”?

In working on this and other projects, I’ve come to think of a way of working on software that might be called “slow code”. To really get stability and backwards compatibility over time, one needs to be very careful about what one introduces into the codebase in the first place. And very careful about getting the fundamental architectural design of the code solid in the first place — coming up with something that is parsimonious (few architectural “concepts”) and consistent and coherent, but can handle what you will want to throw at it.

This sometimes leads me to holding back on satisfying feature requests, even if they come with pull requests, even if it seems like “not that much code” — if I’m not confident it can fit into the architecture in a consistent way. It’s a trade-off.

I realize that in many contemporary software development environments, it’s not always possible to work this way. I think it’s a kind of software craftsmanship for shared “library” code (mostly open source) that… I’m not sure how much our field/industry accomnodates development with (and the development of) this kind of craftsmanship these days. I appreciate working for a non-profit academic institute that lets me develop open source code in a context where I am given the space to attend to it with this kind of care.

The 2.0 Release

There aren’t actually any huge changes in the 2.0 release, mostly it just keeps on keeping on.

Mostly, 2.0 tries to make things adhere even closer and more consistently to what is expected of Rails attributes.

The “Attributes” API was still brand new in Rails 4.2 when this project started, but now that it has shown itself solid and mature, we can always create a “cover” Rails attribute in the ActiveRecord model, instead of making it “optional” as attr_json originally did. Which provides for some code simplification.

Some rough edges were sanded involved making Time/Date attributes timezone-aware in the way Rails usually does transparently. And with some underlying Rails bugs/inconsistencies having been long-fixed in Rails, they can now store miliseconds in JSON serialization rather than just whole seconds too.

I try to keep a good CHANGELOG, which you can consult for more.

The 2.0 release is expected to be a very easy migration for anyone on 1.x. If anyone on 1.x finds it challenging, please get in touch in a github issue or discussion, I’d like to make it easier for you if I can.

For my Library-Archives-Museums Rails people….

The original motivation from this came from trying to move off samvera (nee hydra) sufia/hyrax to an architecutre that was more “Rails-like”. But realizing that the way we wanted to model our data in a digital collections app along the lines of sufia/hyrax, would be rather too complicated to do with a reasonably normalized rdbms schema.

So… can we model things in the database in JSON — similar to how valkyrie-postgres would actually model things in postgres — but while maintaining an otherwise “Rails-like” development architecture? The answer: attr_json.

So, you could say the main original use case for attr_json was to persist a “PCDM“-ish data model ala sufia/hyrax, those kinds of use cases, in an rdbms, in a way that supported performant SQL queries (minimal queries per page, avoiding n+1 queries), in a Rails app using standard Rails tools and conventions, without an enormously complex expansive normalized rdbms schema.

While the effort to base hyrax on valkyrie is still ongoing, in order to allow postgres vs fedora (vs other possible future stores) to be a swappable choice in the same architecture — I know at least some institutions (like those of the original valkyrie authors) are using valkyrie in homegrown app directly, as the main persistence API (instead of ActiveRecord).

In some sense, valkyrie-postgres (in a custom app) vs attr-json (in a custom app) are two paths to “step off” the hyrax-fedora architecture. They both result in similar things actually stored in your rdbms (and we both chose postgres, for similar reasons, including I think good support for json(b)). They have both have advantages and disadvantages. Valkyrie-postgres kind of intentionally chooses not to use ActiveRecord (at least not in controllers/views etc, not in your business logic), one advantage of such is to get around some of the known widely-commented upon deficiencies and complaints with Rails standard ActiveRecord architecture.

Whereas I followed a different path with attr_json — how can we store things in postgres similarly, but while still using ActiveRecord in a very standard Rails way — how can we make it as standard a Rails way as possible? This maintains the disadvantages people sometimes complain about Rails architecture, but with the benefit of sticking to the standard Rails ecosystem, having less “custom community” stuff to maintain or figure out (including fewer lines of code in attr-json), being more familiar or accessible to Rails-experienced or trained developers.

At least that’s the idea, and several years later, I think it’s still working out pretty well.

In addition to attr_json, I wrote a layer on top to provide some parts on top of attr_json, that I thought would be both common and somewhat tricky in writing a pcdm/hyrax-ish digital collections app as “standard Rails as much as it makes sense”. This is kithe and it hasn’t had very much uptake. The only other user I’m aware of (who is using only a portion of what kithe provides; but kithe means to provide for that as a use case) is Eric Larson at

However, meanwhile, attr_json itself has gotten quite a bit more uptake — from wider Rails developer community, not our library-museum-archives community. attr_json’s 390 github stars isn’t that big in the wider world of things, but it’s pretty big for our corner of the world. (Compare to 160 for hyrax or 721 for blacklight). That the people using attr_json, and submitting Issues or Pull Requests largely aren’t library-museum-archives developers, I consider positive and encouraging, that it’s escaped the cultural-heritage-rails bubble, and is meeting a more domain-independent or domain-neutral need, at a lower level of architecture, with a broader potential community.

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