Escaping/encoding URI components in ruby 3.2

Thanks to zverok_kha’s awesome writeup of Ruby changes, I noticed a new method released in ruby 3.2: CGI.escapeURIComponent

This is the right thing to use if you have an arbitrary string that might include characters not legal in a URI/URL, and you want to include it as a path component or part of the query string:

require 'cgi'

url = "{ CGI.escapeURIComponent path_component }" + 
  "?#{CGI.escapeURIComponent my_key}=#{CGI.escapeURIComponent my_value}"
  • The docs helpfully refer us to RFC3986, a rare citation in the wild world of confusing and vaguely-described implementations of escaping (to various different standards and mistakes) for URLs and/or HTML
  • This will escape / as %2F, meaning you can use it to embed a string with / in it inside a path component, for better or worse
  • This will escape a space ( ) as %20, which is correct and legal in either a query string or a path component
  • There is also a reversing method available CGI.unescapeURIComponent

What if I am running on a ruby previous to 3.2?

Two things in standard library probably do the equivalent thing. First:

require 'cgi'
CGI.escape(input).gsub("+", "%20")

CGI escape but take the +s it encodes space characters into, and gsub them into the more correct %20. This will not be as performant because of the gsub, but it works.

This, I noticed once a while ago, is what ruby aws-sdk does… well, except it also unescapes %7E back to ~, which does not need to be escaped in a URI. But… generally… it is fine to percent-encode ~ as %7E. Or copy what aws-sdk does, hoping they actually got it right to be equivalent?

Or you can use:

require 'erb'

But it’s kind of weird to have to require the ERB templating library just for URI escaping. (and would I be shocked if ruby team moves erb from “default gem” to “bundled gem”, or further? Causing you more headache down the road? I would not). (btw, ERB::Util.url_encode leaves ~ alone!)

Do both of these things do exactly the same thing as CGI.escapeURIComponent? I can’t say for sure, see discussion of CGI.escape and ~ above. Sure is confusing. (there would be a way to figure it out, take all the chars in various relevant classes in the RFC spec and test them against these different methods. I haven’t done it yet).

What about URI.escape?

In old code I encounter, I often see places using URI.escape to prepare URI query string values…

# don't do this, don't use URI.escape
url = "{ URI.escape value }"

# not this either, don't use URI.escape
url = "" + 
   query_hash.collect { |k, v| "#{URI.escape k}=#{URI.escape v}"}.join("&")

This was never quite right, in that URI.escape was a huge mess… intending to let you pass in whole URLs that were not legal URLs in that they had some illegal characters that needed escaping, and it would somehow parse them and then escape the parts that needed escaping… this is a fool’s errand and not something it’s possible to do in a clear consistent and correct way.

But… it worked out okay because the output of URI.escape overlapped enough with (the new RFC 3986-based) CGI.escapeURIComponent that it mostly (or maybe even always?) worked out. URI.escape did not escape a /… but it turns out / is probably actually legal in a query string value anyway, it’s optional to escape it to %2F in a query string? I think?

And people used it in this scenario, I’d guess, because it’s name made it sound like the right thing? Hey, I want to escape something to put it in a URI, right? And then other people copied from code they say, etc.

But URI.escape was an unpredictable bad idea from the start, and was deprecated by ruby, then removed entirely in ruby 3.0!

When it went away, it was a bit confusing to figure out what to replace it with. Because if you asked, sometimes people would say “it was broken and wrong, there is nothing to replace it”, which is technically true… but the code escaping things for inclusion in, eg, query strings, still had to do that… and then the “correct” behavior for this actually only existed in the ruby stdlib in the erb module (?!?) (where few had noticed it before URI.escape went away)… and CGI.escapeURIComponent which is really what you wanted didn’t exist yet?

Why is this so confusing and weird?

Why was this functionality in ruby stdlib non-existent/tucked away? Why are there so many slightly different implementations of “uri escaping”?

Escaping is always a confusing topic in my experience — and a very very confusing thing to debug when it goes wrong.

The long history of escaping in URLs and HTML is even more confusing. Like, turning a space into a + was specified for application/x-www-form-urlencoded format (for encoding an HTML form as a string for use as a POST body)… and people then started using it in url query strings… but I think possibly that was never legal, or perhaps the specifications were incomplete/inconsistent on it.

But it was so commonly done that most things receiving URLs would treat a literal + as an encode space… and then some standards were retroactively changed to allow it for compatibility with common practice…. maybe. I’m not even sure I have this right.

And then, as with the history of the web in general, there have been a progression of standards slightly altering this behavior, leapfrogging with actual common practice, where technically illegal things became common and accepted, and then standards tried to cope… and real world developers had trouble underestanding there might be different rules for legal characters/escaping in HTML vs URIs vs application/x-www-form-urlencoded strings vs HTTP headers…. and then language stdlib implementers (including but not limited to ruby) implemented things with various understandings acccording to various RFCs (or none, or buggy), documented only with words like “Escapes the string, replacing all unsafe characters with codes.” (unsafe according to what standard? For what purpose?)


It being so confusing, lots of people haven’t gotten it right — I swear that AWS S3 uses different rules for how to refer to spaces in filenames than AWS MediaConvert does, such that I couldn’t figure out how to get AWS MediaConvert to actually input files stored on S3 with spaces in them, and had to just make sure to not use spaces in filenames on S3 destined for MediaConvert. But maybe I was confused! But honestly I’ve found it’s best to avoid spaces in filenames on S3 in general, because S3 docs and implementation can get so confusing and maybe inconsistent/buggy on how/when/where they are escaped. Because like we’re saying…

Escaping is always confusing, and URI escaping is really confusing.

Which is I guess why the ruby stdlib didn’t actually have a clearly labelled provided-with-this-intention way to escape things for use as a URI component until ruby 3.2?

Just use CGI.escapeURIComponent in ruby 3.2+, please.

What about using the Addressable gem?

When the horrible URI.escape disappeared and people that had been wrongly using it to escape strings for use as URI components needed some replacement and the ruby stdlib was confusing (maybe they hadn’t noticed ERB::Util.url_encode or weren’t confident it did the right thing and gee I wonder why not), some people turned to the addressable gem.

This gem for dealing with URLs does provide ways to escape strings for use in URLs… it actually provides two different algorithms depending on whether you want to use something in a path component or a query component.

require 'addressable'

Addressable::URI.encode_component(query_param_value, Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::QUERY)

Addressable::URI.encode_component(path_component, Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::PATH)

Note Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::QUERY vs Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::PATH? Two different routines? (Both by the way escape a space to %20 not +).

I think that while some things need to be escaped in (eg) a path component and don’t need to be in a query component, the specs also allow some things that don’t need to be escaped to be escaped in both places, such that you can write an algorithm that produces legally escaped strings for both places, which I think is what CGI.escapeURIComponentis. Hopefully we’re in good hands.

On Addressable, neither the QUERY nor PATH variant escapes /, but CGI.escapeURIComponent does escape it to %2F. PHEW.

You can also call Addressable::URI.encode_component with no second arg, in which case it seems to escape CharacterClasses::RESERVED + CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED from this list. Whereas PATH is, it looks like there, equivalent to UNRESERVED with SOME of RESERVED (SUB_DELIMS but only some of GENERAL_DELIMS), and QUERY is just path plus ? as needing escaping…. (CGI.escapeURIComponent btw WILL escape ? to %3F).

PHEW, right?


Anyhow, just use CGI.escapeURIComponent to… escape your URI components, just like it says on the lid.

Thanks to /u/f9ae8221b for writing it and answering some of my probably annoying questions on reddit and github.

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